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Making Baby Boomer Travel Easier


October 23. Welcome , to our weekly newsletter. Based on our previous surveys on Bucket Lists, we know many of you are very interested in travel once you retire. We hope you will enjoy our suggestions on how to make baby boomer travel easier, now that we've rolled up a few more miles on our personal odometers.

By the way, don't forget to check out the many fascinating comments that have been coming in our various Blog articles, such as "Arizona vs. Florida", "Should You Live Close to Family When You Retire", and "What Do Retired Baby Boomers Do All Day, Anyway".
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Back in the day we baby boomer travelers weren't all that fussy. Now, older and wiser, most of us care a bit more about comfort. In this article we'll explore some of the ways travel has gotten harder as we get older, along with many tips and ideas on how to better enjoy the trips you've been looking forward to in retirement. We've already had some great comments, be sure to check them out.
Punta Gorda, FL
The growth in this planned community is nothing short of incredible - in 1970 there were 300 inhabitants, last year there were over 168,000. The New York Mets have spring training here, and there is a university as well. You can live near the water or on the intracoastal.
Punta Gorda, FL
Back in 2008 many developers put their unsold condos into the rental market. Now, with inventories of homes, condos, and townhomes way down (and prices up) many of these rentals are coming back as condos for sale.
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San Luis Obispo
It doesn't cost anything to dream. La Jolla is truly beautiful, even if paradise comes at a price.  More realistically, live in nearby San Diego or Carlsbad and come here to stroll, shop and eat lunch.


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